For this production, creator Thirza Schaap teamed up with Joeri Janssen, art director at Roorda to co-direct the films. Thirza also handled the photography. Source: fatfred.nl
For this production, creator Thirza Schaap teamed up with Joeri Janssen, art director at Roorda to co-direct the films. Thirza also handled the photography. Source: fatfred.nl
The GTS Community is dedicated to collect the most beautiful routes around the globe. In our new video series, we teamed up with travel blogger Courtney Scott to drive the best-rated routes as voted by the community. Get a taste in this video. Combined fuel consumption in accordance with EU 6: Macan GTS: 9.2-8.8 l/100 …
A film I shot 4 years ago during the photoshoot of the photographer Pierre Winther for Finlandia Vodka. Dop/Edit/Post – Kendy
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